Best Ezreal Skins in League of Legends

Ezreal, known as the Prodigal Explorer, is a beloved and iconic character in League of Legends. Since March 16, 2010 Ezreal leaves an unforgettable impact in every match, because of the unique playstyle and abilities this hero provides.

Best Ezreal Skins in League of Legends

A variety of skins reimagine Ezreal in a myriad of ways, each presenting a different aspect, theme, or alternate reality of Ezreal. From the imposing Nottingham Ezreal to the whimsical Masque of the Black Rose Ezreal, there's a Ezreal skin that caters to every player's taste. As of patch 15.4 Ezreal has 21 skins. Here a quick overview of all the best Ezreal skins in League of Legends:

#NameThemeVoiceArtistPriceRelease DateChromas
0EzrealDaniel AmermanSuke 'hugehugesword' SuRiot Points8803/16/2010
1Nottingham EzrealAlbionDaniel AmermanKelly AleshireRiot Points5203/16/2010
2Striker EzrealSoccer CupDaniel AmermanViktor Titov, Grafit StudioRiot Points5206/24/2010
3Frosted EzrealFreljordDaniel AmermanYan LiRiot Points5207/18/2010
4Explorer EzrealLegacyDaniel AmermanSangsoo JeongRiot Points75010/13/2010
5Pulsefire EzrealPulsefireDaniel Amerman, Christine Brynn KhalilJennifer WuestlingRiot Points32506/29/2012
6TPA EzrealWorld Champions: 2012Daniel AmermanBo LuRiot Points7505/23/2013
7Debonair EzrealDebonairDaniel AmermanSperasoft StudioRiot Points7508/5/2014
8Ace of Spades EzrealHighstakesDaniel AmermanMichal Ivan, Sixmorevodka StudioRiot Points7505/20/2015
9Arcade EzrealArcade: HeroesDaniel AmermanXu 'Crow God' ChengRiot Points13508/24/2016
18Star Guardian EzrealStar Guardian Season 2Daniel AmermanPan Chengwei, Alex 'alexplank' Flores, Esben Lash Rasmussen, Alvin Lee, Jean 'Curing' GoRiot Points13509/6/2017
19SSG EzrealWorld Champions: 2017Daniel AmermanRudy Siswanto, Pan ChengweiRiot Points13507/20/2018
20Pajama Guardian EzrealStar Guardian Season 2Daniel AmermanSangsoo JeongRiot Points135011/21/2018
21Battle Academia EzrealBattle AcademiaDaniel AmermanAlvin LeeRiot Points18205/15/2019
22PsyOps EzrealPsyOpsDaniel AmermanBo 'chenbowow' ChenRiot Points13509/3/2020
23Prestige PsyOps EzrealPsyOpsDaniel AmermanSanhua Chen, Kudos ProductionsMythic Essence2009/3/2020
25Porcelain Protector EzrealPorcelainDaniel AmermanEdward Chee, West StudioRiot Points18201/26/2022
33Faerie Court EzrealFaerie CourtDaniel AmermanExia Xiaotong, West StudioRiot Points13503/23/2023
43HEARTSTEEL EzrealHEARTSTEELDaniel AmermanBo 'chenbowow' Chen, Julia Yurtsev, Jennifer WuestlingRiot Points135011/8/2023
44Heavenscale EzrealHeavenscaleDaniel AmermanJoshua Raphael, West StudioRiot Points13502/7/2024
54Prestige Heavenscale EzrealHeavenscaleDaniel AmermanExia Xiaotong, West Studio2/7/2024
65Masque of the Black Rose EzrealMasque of the Black RoseDaniel AmermanPark Jun Seong, West StudioRiot Points13501/9/2025

Ezreal Skins on Loading Screen

Find enclosed how Ezreal skins will be shown on the loading screen:

EzrealNottingham EzrealStriker EzrealFrosted EzrealExplorer EzrealPulsefire EzrealTPA EzrealDebonair EzrealAce of Spades EzrealArcade EzrealStar Guardian EzrealSSG EzrealPajama Guardian EzrealBattle Academia EzrealPsyOps EzrealPrestige PsyOps EzrealPorcelain Protector EzrealFaerie Court EzrealHEARTSTEEL EzrealHeavenscale EzrealPrestige Heavenscale EzrealMasque of the Black Rose Ezreal

Ezreal Tiles

EzrealNottingham EzrealStriker EzrealFrosted EzrealExplorer EzrealPulsefire EzrealTPA EzrealDebonair EzrealAce of Spades EzrealArcade EzrealStar Guardian EzrealSSG EzrealPajama Guardian EzrealBattle Academia EzrealPsyOps EzrealPrestige PsyOps EzrealPorcelain Protector EzrealFaerie Court EzrealHEARTSTEEL EzrealHeavenscale EzrealPrestige Heavenscale EzrealMasque of the Black Rose Ezreal

Ezreal Skins by Theme

Nottingham Ezreal

The skin Nottingham Ezreal was released March 16, 2010 and is part of the theme Albion.

Striker Ezreal

The skin Striker Ezreal was released June 24, 2010 and is part of the theme Soccer Cup.

Frosted Ezreal

The skin Frosted Ezreal was released July 18, 2010 and is part of the theme Freljord.

Explorer Ezreal

The skin Explorer Ezreal was released October 13, 2010 and is part of the theme Legacy.

Pulsefire Ezreal

The skin Pulsefire Ezreal was released June 29, 2012 and is part of the theme Pulsefire.

TPA Ezreal

The skin TPA Ezreal was released May 23, 2013 and is part of the theme World Champions: 2012.

Debonair Ezreal

The skin Debonair Ezreal was released August 5, 2014 and is part of the theme Debonair. Chromas for this Debonair Ezreal skin are available.

Ace of Spades Ezreal

The skin Ace of Spades Ezreal was released May 20, 2015 and is part of the theme Highstakes.

Arcade Ezreal

The skin Arcade Ezreal was released August 24, 2016 and is part of the theme Arcade: Heroes.

Star Guardian Ezreal

The skin Star Guardian Ezreal was released September 6, 2017 and is part of the theme Star Guardian Season 2.

SSG Ezreal

The skin SSG Ezreal was released July 20, 2018 and is part of the theme World Champions: 2017.

Pajama Guardian Ezreal

The skin Pajama Guardian Ezreal was released November 21, 2018 and is part of the theme Star Guardian Season 2.

Battle Academia Ezreal

The skin Battle Academia Ezreal was released May 15, 2019 and is part of the theme Battle Academia. Chromas for this Battle Academia Ezreal skin are available.

PsyOps Ezreal

The skin PsyOps Ezreal was released September 3, 2020 and is part of the theme PsyOps.

Prestige PsyOps Ezreal

The skin Prestige PsyOps Ezreal was released September 3, 2020 and is part of the theme PsyOps.

Porcelain Protector Ezreal

The skin Porcelain Protector Ezreal was released January 26, 2022 and is part of the theme Porcelain.

Faerie Court Ezreal

The skin Faerie Court Ezreal was released March 23, 2023 and is part of the theme Faerie Court.


The skin HEARTSTEEL Ezreal was released November 8, 2023 and is part of the theme HEARTSTEEL.

Heavenscale Ezreal

The skin Heavenscale Ezreal was released February 7, 2024 and is part of the theme Heavenscale. Chromas for this Heavenscale Ezreal skin are available.

Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal

The skin Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal was released February 7, 2024 and is part of the theme Heavenscale.

Masque of the Black Rose Ezreal

The skin Masque of the Black Rose Ezreal was released January 9, 2025 and is part of the theme Masque of the Black Rose.