Best Karma Skins in League of Legends

Karma, known as the Enlightened One, is a beloved and iconic character in League of Legends. Since February 1, 2011 Karma leaves an unforgettable impact in every match, because of the unique playstyle and abilities this hero provides.

Best Karma Skins in League of Legends

A variety of skins reimagine Karma in a myriad of ways, each presenting a different aspect, theme, or alternate reality of Karma. From the imposing Sun Goddess Karma to the whimsical Infernal Karma, there's a Karma skin that caters to every player's taste. As of patch 15.4 Karma has 14 skins. Here a quick overview of all the best Karma skins in League of Legends:

#NameThemeVoiceArtistPriceRelease DateChromas
0KarmaRashida ClendeningJason ChanRiot Points7902/1/2011
1Sun Goddess KarmaWorldbreakerRashida ClendeningAndrew TheophilopoulosRiot Points7502/1/2011
2Sakura KarmaLegacyRashida ClendeningJessica 'OwleyCat' Oyhenart, Jem FloresRiot Points5202/1/2011
3Traditional KarmaTraditionalDanielle McRaeJessica 'OwleyCat' OyhenartRiot Points9753/29/2013
4Order of the Lotus KarmaOrder of the LotusRashida ClendeningAleksandr NikonovRiot Points97510/1/2014
5Warden KarmaWardenRashida ClendeningSixmorevodka StudioRiot Points7509/30/2015
6Winter Wonder KarmaWinter WonderRashida ClendeningEsben Lash RasmussenRiot Points135012/14/2016
7Conqueror KarmaConquerorRashida ClendeningXu 'Crow God' ChengRiot Points9754/23/2017
8Dark Star KarmaDark StarRashida ClendeningZeen ChinRiot Points13506/13/2019
19Dawnbringer KarmaNightbringer and DawnbringerRashida ClendeningClare Wong, West StudioMythic Essence10012/12/2019
26Odyssey KarmaOdysseyRashida ClendeningXuning Cui, Kudos ProductionsRiot Points135010/15/2020
27Ruined KarmaRuinedRashida ClendeningMarie Magny, West StudioRiot Points13501/21/2021
44Tranquility Dragon KarmaDragonmancersRashida ClendeningYuhong Ding, West StudioRiot Points135010/21/2021
54Faerie Queen KarmaFaerie CourtRashida ClendeningJulia YurtsevRiot Points18203/23/2023
61Infernal KarmaInfernalRashida ClendeningHuyy Nguyen, West StudioRiot Points13505/30/2024

Karma Skins on Loading Screen

Find enclosed how Karma skins will be shown on the loading screen:

KarmaSun Goddess KarmaSakura KarmaTraditional KarmaOrder of the Lotus KarmaWarden KarmaWinter Wonder KarmaConqueror KarmaDark Star KarmaDawnbringer KarmaOdyssey KarmaRuined KarmaTranquility Dragon KarmaFaerie Queen KarmaInfernal Karma

Karma Tiles

KarmaSun Goddess KarmaSakura KarmaTraditional KarmaOrder of the Lotus KarmaWarden KarmaWinter Wonder KarmaConqueror KarmaDark Star KarmaDawnbringer KarmaOdyssey KarmaRuined KarmaTranquility Dragon KarmaFaerie Queen KarmaInfernal Karma

Karma Skins by Theme

Sun Goddess Karma

The skin Sun Goddess Karma was released February 1, 2011 and is part of the theme Worldbreaker.

Sakura Karma

The skin Sakura Karma was released February 1, 2011 and is part of the theme Legacy.

Traditional Karma

The skin Traditional Karma was released March 29, 2013 and is part of the theme Traditional.

Order of the Lotus Karma

The skin Order of the Lotus Karma was released October 1, 2014 and is part of the theme Order of the Lotus.

Warden Karma

The skin Warden Karma was released September 30, 2015 and is part of the theme Warden.

Winter Wonder Karma

The skin Winter Wonder Karma was released December 14, 2016 and is part of the theme Winter Wonder.

Conqueror Karma

The skin Conqueror Karma was released April 23, 2017 and is part of the theme Conqueror. Chromas for this Conqueror Karma skin are available.

Dark Star Karma

The skin Dark Star Karma was released June 13, 2019 and is part of the theme Dark Star. Chromas for this Dark Star Karma skin are available.

Dawnbringer Karma

The skin Dawnbringer Karma was released December 12, 2019 and is part of the theme Nightbringer and Dawnbringer.

Odyssey Karma

The skin Odyssey Karma was released October 15, 2020 and is part of the theme Odyssey.

Ruined Karma

The skin Ruined Karma was released January 21, 2021 and is part of the theme Ruined. Chromas for this Ruined Karma skin are available.

Tranquility Dragon Karma

The skin Tranquility Dragon Karma was released October 21, 2021 and is part of the theme Dragonmancers.

Faerie Queen Karma

The skin Faerie Queen Karma was released March 23, 2023 and is part of the theme Faerie Court.

Infernal Karma

The skin Infernal Karma was released May 30, 2024 and is part of the theme Infernal.