Best Malphite Skins in League of Legends

Malphite, known as Shard of the Monolith, is a beloved and iconic character in League of Legends. Since September 1, 2009 Malphite leaves an unforgettable impact in every match, because of the unique playstyle and abilities this hero provides.

Best Malphite Skins in League of Legends

A variety of skins reimagine Malphite in a myriad of ways, each presenting a different aspect, theme, or alternate reality of Malphite. From the imposing Shamrock Malphite to the whimsical Lunar Guardian Malphite, there's a Malphite skin that caters to every player's taste. As of patch 15.4 Malphite has 13 skins. Here a quick overview of all the best Malphite skins in League of Legends:

#NameThemeVoiceArtistPriceRelease DateChromas
0MalphiteUnknown voice actorAlex 'alexplank' FloresRiot Points5859/1/2009
1Shamrock MalphiteWonders of the WorldUnknown voice actorUnknown artistRiot Points5203/16/2010
2Coral Reef MalphiteForgotten DepthsUnknown voice actorUnknown artistRiot Points75011/8/2010
3Marble MalphiteLegacyUnknown voice actorUnknown artistRiot Points5203/21/2011
4Obsidian MalphiteInfernalUnknown voice actorUnknown artistRiot Points9758/15/2011
5Glacial MalphiteGlacialUnknown voice actorUnknown artistRiot Points13507/11/2012
6Mecha MalphiteMechaUnknown voice actorAlex 'alexplank' FloresRiot Points13507/23/2014
7Ironside MalphiteBilgewater: Burning TidesUnknown voice actorSixmorevodka StudioRiot Points97510/7/2015
16Odyssey MalphiteOdysseyUnknown voice actorViktor Titov, Grafit StudioRiot Points13509/12/2018
23Dark Star MalphiteDark StarUnknown voice actorLucas Parolin, West StudioRiot Points13503/26/2020
24Prestige Dark Star MalphiteDark StarUnknown voice actorRudy SiswantoMythic Essence2003/26/2020
25FPX MalphiteWorld Champions: 2019Unknown voice actorPan ChengweiRiot Points13504/30/2020
27Old God MalphiteCoven, ElderwoodUnknown voice actorFelipe Martini, West StudioRiot Points13508/12/2021
37Lunar Guardian MalphiteLunar RevelUnknown voice actorJack Hsu, West StudioRiot Points13501/26/2023

Malphite Skins on Loading Screen

Find enclosed how Malphite skins will be shown on the loading screen:

MalphiteShamrock MalphiteCoral Reef MalphiteMarble MalphiteObsidian MalphiteGlacial MalphiteMecha MalphiteIronside MalphiteOdyssey MalphiteDark Star MalphitePrestige Dark Star MalphiteFPX MalphiteOld God MalphiteLunar Guardian Malphite

Malphite Tiles

MalphiteShamrock MalphiteCoral Reef MalphiteMarble MalphiteObsidian MalphiteGlacial MalphiteMecha MalphiteIronside MalphiteOdyssey MalphiteDark Star MalphitePrestige Dark Star MalphiteFPX MalphiteOld God MalphiteLunar Guardian Malphite

Malphite Skins by Theme

Shamrock Malphite

The skin Shamrock Malphite was released March 16, 2010 and is part of the theme Wonders of the World.

Coral Reef Malphite

The skin Coral Reef Malphite was released November 8, 2010 and is part of the theme Forgotten Depths.

Marble Malphite

The skin Marble Malphite was released March 21, 2011 and is part of the theme Legacy.

Obsidian Malphite

The skin Obsidian Malphite was released August 15, 2011 and is part of the theme Infernal.

Glacial Malphite

The skin Glacial Malphite was released July 11, 2012 and is part of the theme Glacial.

Mecha Malphite

The skin Mecha Malphite was released July 23, 2014 and is part of the theme Mecha. Chromas for this Mecha Malphite skin are available.

Ironside Malphite

The skin Ironside Malphite was released October 7, 2015 and is part of the theme Bilgewater: Burning Tides.

Odyssey Malphite

The skin Odyssey Malphite was released September 12, 2018 and is part of the theme Odyssey. Chromas for this Odyssey Malphite skin are available.

Dark Star Malphite

The skin Dark Star Malphite was released March 26, 2020 and is part of the theme Dark Star.

Prestige Dark Star Malphite

The skin Prestige Dark Star Malphite was released March 26, 2020 and is part of the theme Dark Star.

FPX Malphite

The skin FPX Malphite was released April 30, 2020 and is part of the theme World Champions: 2019. Chromas for this FPX Malphite skin are available.

Old God Malphite

The skin Old God Malphite was released August 12, 2021 and is part of the theme Coven, Elderwood. Chromas for this Old God Malphite skin are available.

Lunar Guardian Malphite

The skin Lunar Guardian Malphite was released January 26, 2023 and is part of the theme Lunar Revel. Chromas for this Lunar Guardian Malphite skin are available.