Best Nocturne Skins in League of Legends

Nocturne, known as the Eternal Nightmare, is a beloved and iconic character in League of Legends. Since March 15, 2011 Nocturne leaves an unforgettable impact in every match, because of the unique playstyle and abilities this hero provides.

Best Nocturne Skins in League of Legends

A variety of skins reimagine Nocturne in a myriad of ways, each presenting a different aspect, theme, or alternate reality of Nocturne. From the imposing Frozen Terror Nocturne to the whimsical Empyrean Nocturne, there's a Nocturne skin that caters to every player's taste. As of patch 15.3 Nocturne has 10 skins. Here a quick overview of all the best Nocturne skins in League of Legends:

#NameThemeVoiceArtistPriceRelease DateChromas
0NocturneJason WishnovAlex 'alexplank' FloresRiot Points8803/15/2011
1Frozen Terror NocturneGlacialJason WishnovUnknown artistRiot Points9753/15/2011
2Void NocturneCurse of the VoidJason WishnovUnknown artistRiot Points5203/15/2011
3Ravager NocturneSilver AgeJason WishnovZhuore Zhi HenRiot Points5207/13/2011
4Haunting NocturneTrick-or-TreatJason WishnovUnknown artistRiot Points97510/19/2011
5Eternum NocturneEternumJason WishnovMichal Ivan, Puppetworks Animation StudioRiot Points182012/5/2012
6Cursed Revenant NocturneOmen of the DarkJason WishnovPan ChengweiRiot Points7505/4/2016
7Old God NocturneCoven, ElderwoodJason WishnovChoe HeonHwaRiot Points13508/29/2019
16Hextech NocturneHextechJason WishnovFrancis Tneh, West StudioMythic Essence1006/11/2020
17Broken Covenant NocturneBroken CovenantJason WishnovSu Fu, Kudos ProductionsRiot Points13503/9/2023
26Empyrean NocturneEmpyreanJason WishnovEric Xie, West StudioRiot Points13505/1/2024

Nocturne Skins on Loading Screen

Find enclosed how Nocturne skins will be shown on the loading screen:

NocturneFrozen Terror NocturneVoid NocturneRavager NocturneHaunting NocturneEternum NocturneCursed Revenant NocturneOld God NocturneHextech NocturneBroken Covenant NocturneEmpyrean Nocturne

Nocturne Tiles

NocturneFrozen Terror NocturneVoid NocturneRavager NocturneHaunting NocturneEternum NocturneCursed Revenant NocturneOld God NocturneHextech NocturneBroken Covenant NocturneEmpyrean Nocturne

Nocturne Skins by Theme

Frozen Terror Nocturne

The skin Frozen Terror Nocturne was released March 15, 2011 and is part of the theme Glacial.

Void Nocturne

The skin Void Nocturne was released March 15, 2011 and is part of the theme Curse of the Void.

Ravager Nocturne

The skin Ravager Nocturne was released July 13, 2011 and is part of the theme Silver Age.

Haunting Nocturne

The skin Haunting Nocturne was released October 19, 2011 and is part of the theme Trick-or-Treat.

Eternum Nocturne

The skin Eternum Nocturne was released December 5, 2012 and is part of the theme Eternum.

Cursed Revenant Nocturne

The skin Cursed Revenant Nocturne was released May 4, 2016 and is part of the theme Omen of the Dark.

Old God Nocturne

The skin Old God Nocturne was released August 29, 2019 and is part of the theme Coven, Elderwood. Chromas for this Old God Nocturne skin are available.

Hextech Nocturne

The skin Hextech Nocturne was released June 11, 2020 and is part of the theme Hextech.

Broken Covenant Nocturne

The skin Broken Covenant Nocturne was released March 9, 2023 and is part of the theme Broken Covenant. Chromas for this Broken Covenant Nocturne skin are available.

Empyrean Nocturne

The skin Empyrean Nocturne was released May 1, 2024 and is part of the theme Empyrean. Chromas for this Empyrean Nocturne skin are available.